
 Female personality types

What are they? How many do you know and how well can you describe them? How to attract each different personality type, and what do they dislike the most?
I believe that Women are programmed from birth by their genes, as well as by society to respond UNCONSCIOUSLY to two different types of men that fit their mental pictures.
In psychology, the term 'archetype' is used to describe a mental structure that operates on an unconscious level. I'm going to use the term 'personality types' here to describe this concept.

 In a nutshell:
* I believe that women respond automatically to certain men and that most of this response is based on the man's personality, communication, achievements, etc. - not his looks (don't get me wrong. Looks are important. But they're not nearly as important in the long run as personality).
* Women are usually not consciously aware of why they react to these Personality Types.
* There are also several 'unsuccessful' personality types. By unsuccessful, I mean that these types are not attractive to most women. (If you're one of these, don't take it personally. Try
something different.)


Someone who's dangerous and thrilling to be around. Bad boys are everything from gangsters to bikers to some rock and roll musicians. These guys are usually tough, dress tough, and act tough as often as possible. They drink, smoke, get tattoos, and generally demonstrate in every way possible that they're from the wrong side of the tracks, and your mother would not approve. A lot of these guys wind up beating their girlfriends and spending time in jail.

There is an addictive emotional rush being around a guy that could literally do ANYTHING. Anyway, I wouldn't recommend being the extreme version of this one. You can get a tattoo and buy a Harley and act all bad, but it's really not making to you a better person. I have to mention that this personality type is the one that women are most MAGNETICALLY attracted to. Again, this is because of the addictive rush that comes from being around them.

Someone who's fun and exciting to be around. The Adventurer is constantly looking for the next fun experience. Adventurers love to go surfing, skiing, racing, bungee-jumping, and skydiving. Think James Bond. They are fearless. Instead of being bad to get thrills, they usually like to do crazy things to get thrills. Their appeal is much the same as the Bad Boy, except that these guys don't usually wind up beating their women. Women like to be around them because they drive fast, go interesting places, and generally have a sense of 'adventure' about everything they do.

They have the attitude of "What adventure is waiting around the next corner" - even if they're just going out to lunch. Women are attracted to them because they are a kick to be around - and they often have more than one woman at a time. And women totally accept this from them. Women usually understand on an unconscious level that this is the type of guy that loves more than one woman. They have extreme optimism, which women LOVE. Again, Adventurers are usually in control in relationships, and can never be tamed. Most of the Adventurers types are known to cheat on their girlfriends.

Someone who is sensual and sexy and makes her feel the same. Seducers are all about women. They understand women completely. As a matter of fact, I sometimes think that maybe they were women in past lives or something. To most men, a Seducer seems bizarre, and even slightly homosexual. They do things that are pretty far out. Watch the movie 'Don Juan DeMarco' with Johnny Depp. This movie is the epitome of the Seducer. Don Juan can only see the world through his romantic perspective, which is magnetic to women. Seducers are usually submissive, as they are constantly pleasing the woman, and paying careful attention to her needs.

The flip side is that as soon as they have gotten what they want from a woman, they're gone. Sure, they may come back for romantic evenings, but they are not often around for the long term.

THE ARTIST (Musician, Poet)

Someone who moves her emotions and is enigmatic and complex. Why do women love guys who have complex, introverted personalities? I believe that the answer lies inside the psyche of women. Women like to have challenges, and they like to help people. The Artist personality is both complex and in need of help and understanding.Most Artists see the world much differently than other people. They look at tree and see a giant feather duster, or they see a color and can taste it.

Women can usually understand the Artist's expressions better than other men can. And they are usually very attracted to these personalities for this very reason. The Artist needs someone to understand them, and there's always a woman who needs someone to be understood. Most Artists are not in control of the woman in their lives, because they're not in control of THEMSELVES. They are usually disorganized, and completely unaware of time, etc.


Someone who provides a great lifestyle and stability. The successful guy brings money and stability to the table. Most women are trying to find one of these guys to marry them. The way to demonstrate that you're a Successful Guy is to drive a nice car, live in a nice house, take her to nice dinners, and buy her gifts.

Women love them because they represent the ultimate goal of most women: Stability. Most wives would rather have a stable Rs 30, 000 a month income than have an unpredictable income of Rs 10 lac a year - spread out over 12 months with no guarantee of when in the year they'll get

So Mr. Successful Guy gives them that 'Security Blanket.' Buy yourself a copy of 'The Rules' - the one that's written for women. This is the type of guy that they're teaching women to trap. So beware! ;)

Someone who tells her what to do and controls her. Some women are very attracted to controlling men who treat them like little girls. Some women take this to an extreme and date men much older than them.

I don't know if this is an accurate observation, but a lot of really attractive, powerful women are attracted to men who control them and treat them like little girls. My opinion is that some women resent men who bow down to them, and have no respect for them.

If you're interested in learning more about this mindset, read the book 'Screw The Roses, Send Me The Thorns' by Philip Miller. The first 50 or 60 pages are a very interesting discussion of dominance and submission.

The following 2 personality types are not so appealing to women and at times they can act as a 'women repelent'.


Someone who is down to earth, loyal and stable. The Regular Guys in the world don't get enough credit in my opinion. The fact is, most Regular Guys wind up in long term relationships with women that are like them - regular.

Regular guys work hard, run household errands and watch a lot of TV. They may start out being fun and adventurous when they're younger, but they usually settle into a more boring life. I'm sure you know a bunch of regular guys. They're married with 2.3 kids and a rectangular 3 bedroom, 2 bath house in a subdivision.

Regular Guys may start out in control of a relationship, but in almost EVERY case, the woman eventually takes control. The women starts nagging, telling him what to do, etc.

Someone who gives her whatever she wants. Ass Kissing Guy is my favorite! Ass Kissing Guy follows his woman around saying "OK dear, whatever you want" and "I'm sorry" and "What's wrong sweetie?"

Ass Kissing Guy likes to use submissive body language, not look people in the eye, and act passive aggressive. Women who are dominant and controlling like to have an Ass Kissing
Guy around as a boyfriend for awhile - sometimes they even marry them. But it's not a happy life, and I wouldn't recommend it.

Now, let me ask you a quesion:

Which one most closely described you? Or which one would you like to work towards?

The best you can do is take all good things from each personality type and shape up your own unique personality. Stay tuned to know exactly how you can develop a personality that instantaneously makes you appear attractive to women.

Some Time Remember.......... 


Women love to talk, but when it comes to listening there are a few restrictions that need to be kept in mind. In the dating world, most women have discovered an unfortunate pattern with the majority of men and the asinine phrases they use. If you’re seeking not to offend your dates and want to improve your chances with women, avoid the following words and phrases.
1. “Is it that time of the month?”
Just because she’s annoyed with you for constantly leaving the toilet seat up or forgetting her birthday does not mean that she is PMSing. So unless she’s actually holding a box of tampons in her hand when you ask, don’t ask this question.
2. Cheesy pick-up lines
While most guys have the best intentions in mind when using pick-up lines, most women don’t like them and the only things you can be assured of using these bad one-offs is making a bad first impression, a slap in the face and a drink on your shirt.
3. “You’re really gaining weight!”
A woman’s weight is among the most delicate of conversational topics. If she’s put on a few pounds, don’t fool yourself that she doesn’t know that. She doesn’t need you to be a jerk and point it out.
4. Moist
This is the most hated word to the female ear because of the connotation of the word when used to describe her vagina along with its sleazy association with female desire.
5. Panties
Perhaps it derives from the term “panties in a wad” which women find extremely sexist. Or maybe the word “panties” makes women feel like they are being talked to like a little girl. Do not refer to them as her panties–call them lingerie or underwear.
6. Hey [gorgeous, baby, mama, boo, etc...]
Most women do not respond well to strangers who start off by calling them baby, gorgeous, beautiful, sexy, babe, dear, or any other condescending and objectifying terms that so many guys use on their initial contact.
7. “Do you like me?” 
Using this phrase can shut a woman’s attraction switch off permanently. Asking a woman a question like this is the exact opposite of being confident. So don’t ask, just assume she likes you, and go from there.
8. “My ex used to love it when I…”
You basically just admitted that you’re not over your ex, and you’re comparing every woman you meet to her. This is one of the most aggravating things you can do to a date, not to mention being a major turn off.

Other site.......  

 When a woman is flirting with a guy, she’s trying to get him to notice her and giving him an opportunity to make the first move. The problem with this female strategy is that a lot of guys are completely oblivious to it and, consequently, throw away a lot of chances to hook up. The following are 10 of the most obvious signals women emit when they want you.
Keep in mind, however, that lots of women are open and friendly to everyone, so spotting just one of these signs might not necessarily be enough to determine her interest. But if a lot of these signals are coming your way, it’s a pretty safe bet that you could score a date.
1. She smiles at you
When a woman has an interest in you, her smile can hold your attention from across a crowded room and it is definitely one of the major signs she’s flirting. Good looking woman have to work everyday to fend off guys they don’t like, so if she is smiling at you from across the room, this means that she wants you to talk to her. Engage in her flirting by returning the smile.
2. She plays with her hair
If she is attracted to you, she may twirl her hair in her fingers or let it cascade in front of one eye, use her fingers to brush her hair away from her face or lift her hair off the back of her neck as if she is hot while looking at you. If you say hello and she’s performing any of these behaviors, well, all signals say: Keep chatting.
3. She makes direct eye contact with you
One of the most obvious signs a woman flirting with you is when she continuously looks right at you and maintains prolonged eye contact. If the eye contact is for longer than normal duration and she scans you up and down, keeping her eyes locked on you while she talks or drinks, she’s already made up her mind that she likes what she sees.
4. She isolates herself from her friends
Women know that men might find it difficult to talk with them while they’re in a group, so if she distances herself from her wall of friends and stands alone, looking at or gazing at you, then it is a sign that she is providing an avenue for you to initiate a conversation.
5. She attempts to catch your attention
If a woman glances and smiles at you while walking by you and in the process takes a longer route to get to the restroom, then it may be that she wants you to notice her. By walking past you repeatedly, out of her way, she’s giving you a sense that she wants your attention.
6. She enters your body space
When a woman enters your personal space, “accidentally” bumping into you with a glance and a smile or maneuvering to stand close to you at a club or at work, she’s inviting a response and trying to become more intimate with you. Closeness is intimacy for a woman, and the closer she allows herself to get to you, the more attracted she is to you.
7. She initiates conversation with you
If she comes over to talk to you, she wants to know what you’re all about. She will seem really into your conversation, turning her body toward you, tilting her head up at you and listening to you intently. She’ll convey her interest by asking you open-ended questions, attempt to determine if you are single, dig for personal information and catalog your interests so that she can mimic your likes and dislikes in order to bond with you.
8. She draws attention to her mouth and lips
A Woman’s lips can be extremely seductive and there is a tremendous amount of flirtatious energy tied up in them. Some of the most effective signs she’s flirting will have her applying lip gloss or running her finger across her lip.
9. She compliments you
A woman who is flirting with you will tell you flat out that she thinks you are cute, compliment your clothes, hair or something that you mentioned in conversation. If you receive a compliment and she seems really into you, she’s definitely hoping you will ask her out. If you are interested in her as well, don’t forget to compliment her, otherwise she may think you are self-centered.
10. She touches you 
A flirting woman will make an excuse to touch you, if only briefly. She might reach out and lightly touch your shoulder, forearm, hand or wrist during a conversation or put her hand on your knee while making a point. If she gives you any lingering touches and doesn’t immediately remove her hand, you know you’ve got a live one.

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