
I asked My friend, “Describe relax ?” He say a few moments just stared at me.
Don't know ! but It’s one of my great challenges in life. I want it very difficult to relax. It seems my mind is always working, and I can’t seem to turn it off.”
Just keep some Advise ,How can find your RELAX ?
If you aren’t rested, it will be exceeding challenging to relax. Your body needs rest. When you are sleeping, you are allowing your mind and your emotions to calm down. When you are sleeping, you are physically recharging. Getting enough “good” sleep is critical to you feeling relaxed!
Resting is more than just sleeping. It is finding an outlet where you can do some mindless action that allows you to get lost in the feeling of nothingness. It’s finding that space where you can turn the world off and just lose yourself in the moment. It could be reading a book, working in the yard, working at a hobby or just vegging out in front of the TV. It is simply a space and time where you step outside your world of stress and find that spot where life just “is.”
Relaxation demands you rest! Without rest you will always feel tired, anxious and overwhelmed.

For many people exercise is something they are going to do, not something they are doing. It is something they know will help them unwind, but there is so much to get done, they will get to it later.
Exercise will calm you down. It is a way to mentally, emotionally and physically unwind, dump the can! When you are exercising, it is a form of release. You will let go of things that are nibbling at you.
Don’t forget that your body is smarting than you

We don’t laugh enough today! You can’t laugh without relaxing. It is humanly impossible. It has been said for years and the statement is correct, Laughter is food for the soul.
Watch people today, look at their faces, look at their eyes and you’ll see the tension that fills their life. The more their life is filled with “emotional stuff” the more uptight they become.
To relax, to unwind, to dump your inner can, you have to laugh. One person looked at me when I made this statement and said, “If you had my life, you would see there is nothing to laugh about.”
There is always humor in life! There is always something to smile about, to laugh about. Laughter is a way of exhaling all the stuffy air you have collected. Have you ever had a really good “belly” laugh? I mean one where you started and you couldn’t stop. The harder you tried to stop the more you laughed. When it was over, did you tell someone, “I needed that?” That’s what I’m talking about. I’m talking about slowing down, take the race out of life, looking around and finding the humor in a day of your life.
I am writing this while I am scooting across the sky on my way to Phoenix. The gentleman across the aisle had a frown on his face when he sat down and the look he gave me said, “I’m not a happy camper.” Well this lady and her husband took their seat in front of and across the aisle from him. It was like God was challenging his frown. First, they couldn’t decide who was going to take the window seat. Then, he put her bag in the overhead and she decided she needed something out of it. He took it down, she got what she needed and he put it back up. Five times he took it down and put it up. Each time asking her, “Do you have everything you need now?” Each time she would reply, “Yes!”  Each time he had to take the bag down, he also have to take her cane out. Each time he touched the cane, you could see him gripping it tighter and tighter. I have a feeling I knew what he wanted to do with it!
I watched Mr. Frown as he watched this. At first, he just shook his head, then, he smiled a bit and finally, I could see the laughter that was happening inside him. He looked at me, shook his head and smiled that laughter smile. With that he leaned back in his seat, and I could see the difference in his presence. All because he found something to laugh about.
Laughter really is medicine for the soul!

How important do you think attitude is to you being able to relax? Do you find the calmer your attitude, the easier it is for you to relax?
Attitude is very important to the ability to relax. The more negative your attitude is, the tighter you wind yourself. The tighter you wind yourself, the more stress you are going to collect. The more stress you collect, the tighter you continue to wind yourself. Now, do you think there is any relaxation is that process?
Attitude is a choice. You can chose to see the good and get the positive feelings that go with that, OR you can chose to see the bad and get the negative feelings that go with that. It is your choice!
Attitude is simply a visual demonstration of what is going on inside you. Watch your attitude and you will know your life!
When you are living seeking the good, you will be much more relaxed. A bad day is a stressful day; a good day is a manageable day. You really do choose which one you get.
Relaxation is easier with the right attitude!

Every event you life is handed has a pathway that goes with it. Every choice you make sends you down a path. If you chose the wrong path, you get a journey that keeps you emotionally upside down. When you chose the right path, you get the joy of the journey.
The difference between the right or wrong path is all about the choice you make!
Take me seriously here. You can walk the right path simply my mastering one question. Before you make any decision, pause, take a deep breath and ask yourself, will this feed my confusion or strengthen my clarity?

If the answer is “confusion,” it is the wrong path for you. To walk that path means you are collecting all the stress that will travel with you going down that path.
When you chose the “clarity” path, you get the calmness that goes with that choice. On the “clarity” path, you can relax in knowing you moving forward in your life.
Life really is that simple! That one question really will show you the right answer. The right path will help you relax!

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