So you are single for whatever reason -here are ten tips for making the most of being single...
Number 1 most important thing to do is relax. Your singledom will not last a lifetime. Well it will if it is meant to but this is a very rare karma. The worst thing you can do is panic and think you have to find someone immediately or your life is over. This air of desperation is by far the most debilitating energy to bring into a new relationship with yourself or with anyone new for that matter. It makes you blind to obvious red flags and puts you in all kinds of compromising situations. So once again - take a breath, be happy to have been given this special opportunity to get to know yourself. Look at it this way - if you are uncomfortable spending time alone with you what makes you think anyone else will feel comfortable spending time with you ? This can be quite a challenge to someone that has continuously filled up their lives with someone elses only to discover they really don't know or like themselves at all. Having a relationship with yourself is exactly like having a relationship with someone else. You have to be supportive, caring, understanding, and yes you have to learn to listen and communicate with yourself and your inner guidance. Sometimes the only way to get you to listen to yourself is to force this "time alone" upon you.
Number 2 - Stay clean.Forget about coming home or staying home plastered, stoned or disconnected - not a good recipe for a successful relationship with yourself or anyone else for that matter. No sorry folks this is a sobering experience but trust me it will start to grow on you if you just give it a chance. Why not take this time alone to get the help and support you need to beat your addictions once and for all. If you can't do it for yourself - you won't do it for anyone else. You know the drill...the time is now!.
Number 3 - Give yourself a chance - being happy alone does not happen overnight especially if you are a recovering codependent ( please google it if you are new to this term) There will be times that you feel you are invisible, no one will ever love you, you are wasting your life, your life is passing you by... and a whole lot of other negative self talk. Best thing to do - take yourself for a walk or even better on a date. Learn how to cheer yourself up. The better you get at being alone, the better you will be at being in relationship. For some it is extremely difficult to cater to your own needs. Are you one of these people that will happily cook if someone is over but if it is just you - crackers and peanut butter will suffice? Make the effort to cook for yourself - seriously. This is one of the most self loving things you can do for yourself. Cook yourself something new each week, each day even. You deserve it!
Number 4 - Study something new. Wow what a perfect time in your life to go to night school or study online or completely change career tracks. Figure out what you are passionate about and go for it. There is no one to hold you back but yourself. Not sure what you are passionate about - spend more time alone - it will come to you. Give yourself a chance to listen to your inner voice. This process can take time and you really have to be patient with yourself.
Number 5 - Meet new people. Not necessarily for romantic reasons just to expand your support community. If you are consciously attempting to stay out of relationship for a designated time period you will still need people to share your life with. Friendships are paramount, where would we be without our friends - truly alone... No friends? Are you friendly, do you make an effort to say hello and meet new people? Perhaps you need some help with overcoming shyness. It is always ourselves that separate ourselves from others. Take responsibility for what you are or are not attracting into your life and make the necessary changes to attract some solid friends.
Number 6- Exercise. What a great way to get to know yourself again - start with reconnecting with your body. Its the only one you have this lifetime and we often look after our cars ( which we can trade in) better than our bodies. Singledom is the perfect time to get yourself in shape and the endorphins released when you work out keep your spirits flying high. Why not pick up an old team sport you used to play in high school - great way to socialize and stay in shape.
Number 7 - Rediscover your creativity. It's in there - I promise you. We all have the ability to create magnificence. You may have temporarily forgotten what you came here to create but if you spend enough time alone you will rediscover your creative self. What a perfect opportunity to play when no one is watching! So get out those pencils, paints, clay, inventions, designs and let loose.
Number 8 - Focus your attention on your thoughts. In case you have missed the last ten years of evolution it is now widely accepted that yes your thoughts do create your reality. Where are you putting your attention? What is your most dominant thought? Won't be hard to figure out just take a good look at your life and your reality will be living example of what is going on in your head. Take this time alone to become extraordinarily of your thoughts. Monitor them, erase and rewrite, spend at least 30 consistent days changing negative thought patterns ( takes at least that long to form new neural pathways in the brain)
Number 9 - Be grateful for what you already have. Each night before you go to sleep, concentrate on what you are grateful for in your life. Every tiny little thing can help create the spirit of gratitude. If you are so inclined start to write a journal about everything you are grateful for and watch the list get bigger and bigger each day as you gratitude attracts more things to be grateful for. This is probably the most important lesson of all, finding happiness in contentment in what already exists in your life. The fact that you have one is a really good place to start!
Number 10 - Step out of your comfort zone. Each week plan to go somewhere new, or do something different. Don't wait till Mr or Mrs Right is in your life to follow your dreams - do it now. You have more chance of meeting your special someone if you are living your life to the fullest. Even if you don't want to meet anyone you still will have a blast following your hearts desires.
Being alone can be a positive force, turning you towards greater creativity and greater personal development. In this "space" that you call your own, you can grow to know and love yourself as a separate individual. One who is not dependent on another human being for your identity and does not fixate or keep moving around seeking pleasure, seeking comfort, and satisfaction from the energy of another being. You can learn to find contentment in and with yourself -- just be there alone, calm, cool and collected with the person you love. You!
To Avoid Bad Habits if You're Single
But you must avoid bad "single life habits." They are all too easy to perform and repeat, and sometimes you don't even know you're doing it until you stop and think about it.
These habits can bring on depression and loneliness, and they can also prevent you from meeting someone.
Here are some behaviors to avoid when single:
Letting Other Balls Drop
Ok, so your dating life isn't going the way you want it to. Make sure you don't let other parts of your life slide. They say "when it rains, it pours," but you can avoid that.
When you're single, you have an opportunity to work on your career, and on yourself. After that, the dating stuff usually falls in to place. Remember not to let other parts of your life trend downward just because your dating life is at a low.
Yesterday at the end of work, I had a craving for NYC's City Bakery chocolate chip cookies (a glorious gooey mess of chocolate chips and dough that seem barely cooked). I promised myself I'd go to the gym after the cookie, but I didn't. Totally let that ball drop.
The easiest way to get out of a single funk is to get out and meet people. But it's so easy to hole up in your place and stay cozy. Many weekends I'm confronted with the choice: go out and hang out with friends until 3AM, or veg out on my couch in my PJ bottoms, cook stir fry or soup, and watch bad movies or good horror flicks. It's hard to choose.
Commiserating with Your Bitter Single Friends
If you're constantly hanging out with bitter single friends and complaining, you may put yourself in a rut that's tough to get out of -- negative thinking keeps you down. So limit those Sex and The City angry brunch/lunches with the girls.
Being Third Wheel with Annoying Couples
I've got mixed feelings about being third wheel. Sometimes I'm motivated to date when I'm around certain couples. But some couples are so annoying, I tell myself I'll never date again after hanging out with them.
Assuming Everyone Sucks
Well, everyone doesn't suck, but it's easy to convince yourself this is true after enough bad experiences.
Looking Down
Being alone is scary, but if you keep yourself busy, you might not feel so isolated and alone. If you stop and analyze the situation (look down), lonely anxiety might set in.
Looking Back
Looking back at old relationships and happier times should be saved for when you're ready to do so. If you're not over it, you'll dredge up sad feelings upon looking back.
Convincing Yourself You'll Be Single Forever
Sadly, I'm assuming I'll be single forever. Because I've accepted that fate, it's tough to get out of it and envision myself in a relationship.
Settling for an Easy Cure for Your Loneliness
"Easy" cures for loneliness are often unhealthy: staying with a bad boyfriend/girlfriend, having a one-night stand. Loneliness can't last forever, and it's part of everyone's life. Try to find healthy ways to deal with it.
Celebrating Singleness Too Much
It's OK to embrace the "single and proud of it" position, but if you get too rebellious about your singleness, you might end up swearing off dating completely. So fly your anti-dating flag at half mast.
Viewing The Wrong Art at the Wrong Time
Certain songs make me feel lonely. Then there's the dreaded romantic comedy. Depending on your mood, romantic comedies are uplifting, or they bring you the time I cried at the end of Sleepless in Seattle wondering why that can't happen to me.
Getting Your Hopes Up When You Finally Meet Someone
Once you finally connect with someone, it's easy to see that person as a savior, so you get high hopes as things progress. Unfortunately, relationships are rare, and things often fizzle, or go awry. If you get your hopes too high, you'll fall harder when it doesn't work out, or you'll settle too quickly.
When I watch DiscoveryID, even serial killers and bad guys on Who the Bleep Did I Marry? have girlfriends. If they can get girls, how bad does that make me? This is just discouraging. And of course, I sometimes envy better looking guys, which brings me down.
Do you agree with my "bad single habits," and what bad single habits are you guilty of that you'd add to the list?
Stop Worrying!
Believe it or not, your single years will be some of the most beautiful and wonderful times of your life! Being single is an important part of the journey of life, and an especially important part of the journey toward marriage. Like all of God’s gifts, this time is meant to be enjoyed and used wisely. However, it’s easy to forget how wonderful it can be to be single. Think about each one of these five reminders the next time you start worrying about being without a mate!
Read more at How-to-Stop-Worrying-About-Being-Single.
For some, living single is a clear life choice, but for many it is a
stop along the way where we may not want to lay our bags down. Love
comes and leaves early for some and late for others, but moments alone
can be full of wonderment whether you are single or married. Here are a
few tips towards living more happily, finding love within yourself or
with others and simply learning to enjoy life’s journey.
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