We can’t picture living as the people we have seen in third world countries. They can’t visualize living like us. We see our neighbor and think he is odd for the things he does. He looks over his fence and thinks the same thing about us. It all goes back to the truth that every event that happens to us, every circumstance we find ourselves in is neutral. It wages nothing in and of itself. We place the cost on the events and the state of affairs that ensue to us. We decide if they are right or wrong. We decide if we feel good or bad in relation to them. We decided if they are moral or unmoral. Too often we assign that charge based on what was taught to us and not on what is in our hearts.
We look for cryptogram to guide us when we are in situation. Unfortunately we look outside ourselves for these signs instead of searching our own minds and hearts. We can be in command of much of our lives by controlling our feelings and behaviors. That is proven. But there will always be uncertainty in life. Things will pop up out of the blue that we weren’t looking for or planning on. We are fearful into a situation we did not haggle for and it is up to us how to handle it.
I think we fight with them more than we have to by thinking that the situations aren’t normal; that they are beyond what ought to happen to a person. I am beginning to think the only normal thing in this life IS randomness. Just like the old saying, “the only thing you can tot up on stay the same is change”. It is a chaotic world. Our personality is comprehensive. There are many sides to us. We feel what we feel, and we like what we like. Sometimes we need to change those feelings and likes if they are dysfunctional. But if they are not, then we should learn to exist as individuals.
We should hold in your arms who we are, what we want, who we like, what we like and what we feel. It is what makes us…us. It is good to be unique instead of a sheep, just following all the extra sheep.
If you find manually in a state you did not plan on or could never have predicted, don’t waste mental energy on trying to ask why it happen, and if it is normal. Just jump in and start dealing with it. Deal with it based on your own convictions and feelings and wants. Ask for advice, seek counsel, but don’t deal with it in a certain way just because someone else would do it that way. You need to have knowledge before acting. But once you have gained the knowledge and searched out counsel, then make your own decision. You will be fully prepared to deal with the consequences because you did your homework. You will in addition have few regrets if any, if it does not turn out the way you hope. I think the biggest regrets people have is not taking a risk or not doing what they wanted to do because they felt it was not “normal”. They may regret it the rest of their lives. But if they do what they want (assuming they did their homework) and it does not succeed out, I think most people can live with that. I think most of us could move on from those circumstances.
Don’t be concerned so much about trying to assemble a normal life, just assemble YOUR version of life. As stretched as you are not purposely hurting people, and it is not harmful to yourself, then you have a right to live the way you want to live. Stand out from the crowd. Be your own someone. Do not accept the status quo if it does not interest you. Don’t go to drill for business if you want to be a mechanic. Jog at 2:00 am if that is whilst you like to jog. Eat supper for breakfast and breakfast for supper. You can do whatever thing you want if you break free from the chains of what is normal.
Conceivably you’re the normal one and the rest of the world is abnormal. When you are see as different or not normal, this might not attract the same amount of attention from likely friends and the opposite sex as “normal” does. But when it does, they will like you therefore much because of who you are. They will realize that you are unique and a star like you will not be easy to find again. Many people are a dime a dozen. They dress the matching; act the same, talk about the same stuff, and on and on. But when you’re similar and someone attaches themselves to you, you will not easily lose them. They will make out they found something very singular.
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